For Donations and Support
Your donations and support will really go a long way to help us actualize our mission. We Appreciate your contributions. Kindly Click on the link to download the form
Your donations and support will really go a long way to help us actualize our mission. We Appreciate your contributions. Kindly Click on the link to download the form
Last year (2020) we received donations in the form of solar panels from ISC-Konstanz and laptops from Labdoo, members and other private individuals. We organised the transport to Nigeria and are happy to report that the delivery arrived. That was a challenge for us, especially in the corona pandemic. We and the students of the weiterlesen…
With the help of Jan Tobias Biedermann, we were able to hand over an own teaching system to the CSIF for use. Moodle is a system with which digital teaching content can be made available, such as teaching videos, texts, documents or entire courses. (Click here for more information on Moodle) Using Moodle, each student weiterlesen…